
Today was frustrating as I tried to fit the kitchen floor together, decided I hated it, got depressed, found the missing step, realized some stuff is on incorrectly, took the steps apart to fix, realized the original owner hated the spindles and was going to replace them and the balusters, realized I only had the balusters........ essentially I wasted like 5 hours on nothing really. 

But Fritz had the idea to put the flooring together four times and have the fed ex store print one 20x20 sheet. I won't have to piecemeal it together. So he's going to order that. Thank god for the subfloor, I can just tear it out. Learning as I go is tough. 

Some people suggested I just forgo the stairs altogether. I guess people do that sometimes? 

There is a dollhouse store in Torrance and I want to go to it.


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