

Today someone posted in the BNB group looking for "the girl who wants to build dollhouses". That's me! Someone tagged me and I was asked if I wanted to take this dollhouse that their aunt had handmade from scratch in the 70s. It's based on their family farmhouse in Indiana! So of course I said yes because come on now. 

I sent fritz to get it and I didn't realize it at the time but this thing is SPOOOOOKY. Just look! And it's wired for electricity! It needs a lot of work but it's nice to have a side project to the main house. I'm thinking some real run down farmhouse aesthetics. Farmhouses are naturally terrifying so this won't be too hard. 

Tomorrow I finally get my surgery so I don't know how long that will impede my dollhousing. I guess we'll see. 

God bless my local groups, where I am now known as the girl who wants to build doll houses, as well as the girl who collects Pez dispensers and vintage Christmas decor. Good looking out, everyone! I'm grateful for it.


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